Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Come Together

Imagine for a moment, if you will, your favorite song. It is probably your favorite for a reason. It probably speaks to you in some way. If you were asked to describe the significance of that song to someone, you could probably talk for a fairly long time about it. You could probably talk about it until the rest of the world tuned you out. That's probably how my friend feels when she talks about the Beatles, which is pretty much always.

If I were to introduce this friend to you, I wouldn't even tell you her name before I told you she is passionate about music. That's really all you need to know about her, because it's all she ever wants to talk about. You would probably think that gets old really fast, but with her, it doesn't. Everything she says is either a Beatles reference or a potential song idea for her own future career. Though I can't complain about the Beatles, I'm hardly a fan, and though I love music passionately, I certainly have no future career in it. Yet, I never tire of hearing about it from her. Why? Because it is her passion. She eats, sleeps, breathes it, and finds it in everything she does. But why is that special?

The unique thing about my friend is that she isn't satisfied simply to love music. One day, she could go deaf; the music she listens to would be silenced. One day, she could grow too weak to play guitar or sing; the music she creates would be gone. So she doesn't obsess over what she hears or creates. Rather, she relishes it and is in turn thankful, because the music came from somewhere- moreover, from someone. She uses her music to give back to and pursue the heart of it and reason for it: God.

1 Corinthians 12:4-11 talks of spiritual gifts, and it says that there is a vast variety of gifts, but that they are all from the same spirit. I can carry a tune, but I can't draw people in with my music the way my aforementioned friend can. Some people can create beauty in the form of art; others words. Some have been gifted with minds for science and math; others sports. Some are given wisdom, some knowledge, some faith.. But all these gifts are from the same Spirit- the same God.

So I ask you, dear reader: What is your heart pursuing? When you reach that double bar line, when the end credits roll, when the last line of your last page is full, your pen is out of ink, and your mind is out of fuel, where do you turn? God has given us each such an incredibly unique gift, and each of them is worth celebrating. But in the end, the common center of all our gifts is the God who gives them. So, regardless of our gifts, let us use them for the common cause of pursing Him.

"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit." --1 Corinthians 12:4

1 comment:

  1. I love it. It is too easy to become prideful about our talents, and this is a good reminder that we do glorify and reflect Christ in what we do as believers. Thanks for sharing!


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